About Us

We engineer solutions that challenge the status quo and redefine the industry.

Our Core: Courageous, Responsive, Responsible

We’ve spent over three decades shaping brilliant engineering solutions for the entire pipeline system. Today, we can proudly say that we engineer solutions that aren’t just efficient but transformative.

We’re the engineers of a future where progress is limitless.

At IK Group, we stand confident in the innovative engineering that defines us and empowers our companies. We take risks because we know how to manage them safely, ensuring the delivery of precise solutions and high-end products, leaving no room for doubt or ambiguity.

We know our solutions are not just game-changers; they’re industry-shapers.

We value the long-lasting relationships we build with our customers. We see them not as clients but as partners in our mission of turning the best of our engineering into reality. Trust is our foundation. When we commit, we can bet our future on it.

Reliability isn’t a feature; it’s our backbone.

But we are also fully aware of the profound responsibility we bear. Our commitment extends beyond the present, recognising that our actions today will shape the future. We’re future-oriented and dedicated to ensuring that the solutions we provide today don’t compromise the well-being of tomorrow’s generations.

Safety, ethics, and environmental stewardship
are woven into our DNA.

Zero harm to people and environment

Proven safety record

Certified quality system

High ethical standards

Compliance with laws & regulations

Generative safety culture

Our History


When IK Norway began in 1987, we wanted to be more than just an engineering company. We wanted to be a place where our engineering held significance and offered the best solutions for complex challenges. But something incredible always happens when passion meets purpose, doesn’t it? That’s when we connect with something greater than ourselves, sparking inspiration and a hunger for more. As the 2000s arrived, we sensed it was time to dream beyond the ordinary, finally finding our niche in the Oil & Gas industry.

Our achievements came fast, proving we were on the right path and bringing a great sense of accomplishment. This prompted us, in 2006, to dream big, embarking on a transformative management buyout that marked a pivotal moment—a milestone that led to the birth of the IK-Group as it stands today.

As a thriving Engineering Powerhouse, we aim to empower engineering companies, instigating change, and orchestrating transformations that deliver brilliant engineering solutions for the most complex challenges in the energy industry. We adapt, we evolve, yet our commitment remains strong.

This is our story, one we share with those who also share our vision, those who dare to explore the new, and those who believe in a world where brilliance endures the test of time.


Empowering Solutions:
Yes, We Can!

At our core, we thrive on innovation, finding brilliant solutions to the most complex challenges in our field. Together, we’ve tackled some of our industry’s most challenging problems, and our track record can prove it. We always deliver complete solutions. There is no halfway to us. Making our customers satisfied is paramount.


Taking on Challenges Responsibly.

In our industry, time is often our biggest challenge. Our companies always race against the clock to solve urgent and complex problems. But we know that every issue is unique, and with over 30 years of experience in oil and gas, we’ve gathered a great team and extensive knowledge to know exactly how to tackle them. Yet, even under pressure, we never compromise. Safety and quality are non-negotiables for us.


Managing Assets Throughout
Their Life Cycle.

Traditionally, our focus revolved around repair, modification, and the maintenance of pipelines and related components—an area with immense potential that continues to captivate our interest. However, today, our perspective has widened. We are deeply committed to preserving asset integrity and addressing issues across their entire life cycle. Our approach isn’t just about fixing existing problems; it’s also about preventing future ones by optimizing inspection programs. This is our forward-thinking engineering being put into practice.


Continual Progress and Growth

We continually expand our portfolio, aiming to invest even more in innovative engineering companies and enhancing our global presence. As we evolve, our core values—innovation, reliability, responsibility, and partnership—continue to drive our commitment to ‘Brilliant Engineering.’ Today, we take pride in our worldwide impact on the energy sector and in shaping its future with our solutions.